Local Business Leader Dan Steele Named to NSBA Leadership Council

July 21, 2020

Washington D.C. – Daniel Steele, GavinHeath LLC, Greenwood Village, CO was recently named to the National Small Business Association (NSBA) Leadership Council. NSBA is the nation’s oldest small-business advocacy organization, and operates on a staunchly nonpartisan basis. Steele, a recognized leader in the small-business community, joins the NSBA Leadership Council alongside other small-business advocates from across the country as they work to promote the interests of small business to policymakers in Washington, D.C. “As a small-business advocate, I see daily the importance of being involved and active when it comes to laws and regulation,” stated Steele. “Joining NSBA’s Leadership Council will enable me to take our collective small-business message to the people that need to hear it most: Congress.”

Steele joined the NSBA Leadership Council as part of his efforts to tackle the many critical issues facing small business, including tax reform, regulatory restraint, health care costs and how the Affordable Care Act will impact small business. The NSBA Leadership Council is focused on providing valuable networking between small-business advocates from across the country while ensuring small business a seat at the table as Congress and regulators take up key small-business proposals.

“I am proud to have Daniel Steele as part of our Leadership Council,” stated NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken. Dan came to us highly recommended and I look forward our coordinated efforts for years to come.”

Link: COO Dan Steele Named to NSBA Council

GavinHeath ... International Brand?

June 15, 2020

Cincinnati, OH - GavinHeath's Chief Operating Officer, Dan Steele, reached international heights when his DisruptHR video hit the top 5 world-wide. The incredibly insightful and timely DisruptHR video, "Sourcing for a Diverse Workforce” has been a hit with good reason. According to Glassdoor, “67% of active and passive job seekers say a diverse workforce is important to them when evaluating companies or job offers.”

Link: COO Dan Steele's DisruptHR Video Hits Top 5

GavinHeath gets social at 2020 Industry Kickoff Mixer

January 29, 2020

Denver, CO – GavinHeath joined Adaptive Spirit, NAMIC, RMCA, SCTE, The Cable Center and WICT Rocky Mountain to celebrate the New Year and learn more about industry associations. Holly and Dan Steele, Tom Harder and Rachelle Salem were on hand to meet with and learn more about all of the amazing organizations.

WICT 2020 Industry Kickoff Mixer

GavinHeath unveils new Pets in the Workplace policy

December 13, 2019

Greenwood Village, CO – In the spirit of improving the workplace, leadership at GavinHeath created a new Bring Your Pets to Work Policy for all employees. GavinHeath believes that pets can foster a friendlier and happier workplace. They are fun, playful and can have positive influence on employee satisfaction and productivity.

Link: Pets in the Workplace Policy

Dan & Holly Steele named “Legacy Partners” for their continued support of Colorado-based anti-trafficking nonprofit

September 28, 2019

Littleton, CO – During the 5th Annual EatUp! Denver, Dan & Holly Steele of GavinHeath LLC were celebrated as “Legacy Partners” to Extended Hands of Hope; an incredible nonprofit with a mission to offer safe housing and supportive services to sex trafficking survivors, empowering them to move forward with hope and dignity.

Eat Up! Denver is Extended Hands of Hope’s biggest annual fundraising party in support of their commitment to equipping young girls who have been trafficked and exploited, with the necessary resources to move forward with HOPE and PURPOSE.

Link: Extended Hand of Hope

VP Dan Steele speaks at Charity Event – Boots & Bling

August 29, 2019

Highlands Ranch, CO – GavinHeath Vice President of Operations Dan Steele was asked to speak at Denver Street School's Hope Academy Boots & Bling 2019 event. The fundraising event supports Hope Academy, a new campus specifically developed for adolescent girls who have experienced complex trauma.

In an effort to bring healing and restoration to these girls the programming at Hope incorporates a variety of therapeutic elements, encourages growth and academic learning, and teaches empowerment in a safe and loving environment. All of this leads to a high school diploma and a successful future. Hope strives to be a place where girls can heal in an environment of creativity, imagination, love, and laughter.

Link: Boots and Bling

1st Place Winners at RMCA Golf Tournament

August 12, 2019

Parker, CO – GavinHeath LLC was one of a handful of local sponsors for the Rocky Mountain Cable Association’s 7th Annual Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the RMCA Golf Tournament helped support Girls, Inc. “Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold.”

Team GavinHeath took first place in the tournament in addition to raising the most money for Girls Inc. during the charity auction!!

Link: RMCA

Holly Steele on Hand to Celebrate Local Nonprofit

July 27, 2019

Denver, CO - Simply Good Cakery, a social enterprise of Extended Hands of Hands, officially launched to not only provide a delicious high-quality dessert but more importantly to offer practical pathways to freedom and self-sufficiency through paid employment and on-the-job economic empowerment training to survivors of human trafficking.

GavinHeath owner Holly Steele was proud to share in the grand opening of Simply Good Cakery and enjoy some delicious desserts while doing so!

Link: Simply Good Cakery's Launch Party